Wool Comforter and Topper Restoration


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  • Wash your wool
  • Refluff (recard) your wool
  • Recover your wool
  • Repurpose your wool

Does your wool topper have permanent trenches because you’ve slept in the same spot for so long? Is your wool pillow starting to hurt your ears because it has gotten so firm?  Are you downsizing to a smaller bed? Is your wool topper unused but you’re sure a wool comforter would be just the thing? Did your aging pet soil your comforter and you just can’t get the stain out? This refluffing service solve all those troubles.

Restore your wool filled items with this professional washing and refluffing service. The very same mills that washed and processed your wool the first time, with wash and process it again for you. Your wool product will look and smell like new with the same organic sateen fabric stitched on it again, just like it was when you purchased it.

Often customers find 1/3 of the weight of their wool is lost in the wash as the dust and skin cells float away. But not to worry, if any wool is lost, the mill will add back any wool lost to bring it back to the weights we sold you the product at.

You should find this product about 2/3 the price of a new wool comforter or wool topper as you are not paying for the wool again, just the new fabric and the washing and fluffing of the wool.


  1. Remove fabric covering from wool.
  2. Weigh your wool so you know how many lbs to indicate you are sending.
  3. Bag and box wool.
  4. Let us know when it is ready for shipment and we will schedule a UPS pickup for the next business day.
  5. Wait, perhaps 6-8 weeks. We will send you tracking notice when it ships.


If you want a custom size, leave your dimensions in the Order Notes box on the checkout screen.

Crib: 40″ x 55″
Twin / Twin XL: 68″ x 86″
Full / Queen: 86″x 86″
King: 100″ x 86″

TOPPER DIMENSIONS (the same as mattress dimensions)

Crib: 28″x 52″
Twin: 38″ x 75″
Twin XL: 38″ x 80″
Full: 54″ x 75″
Queen: 60″ x 80″
Eastern King: 76″ x 80″
California King: 72″ x 84″

Additional information

Product Desired

Comforter, Topper, Pillow


Crib, Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, Eastern King, CA King, Custom


Enter in lbs below