16x23x3 XS Bolstered Dog Bed with name



Hi Joe,

Here is the information for the 16x23x3 bolstered dog bed with embroidery it is $201.52 plus shipping of $30

For a 16x23x3 bolstered dog bed here are the totals

  • Inside waterproof jersey case- $59.26
  • You would need to provide us with 1 yd if you use 90″ width fabric OR 1.5 yds for 54″-60″ width fabric.  We can then use your pink fabric and create your outer case for $41.26. – Fabric has been provided 
  • The latex slab for the bottom of the bed and shredded latex for the back and the arms to fill the bed is $76
  • The name “Daisy” with two small daisy flowers will be added to either side of the name on the front side of the back of the bed for $25
  • Time included is us prewashing and pressing all fabric provided by the customer